Melanie Leach BA ConsCert ACR
Textile Conservator and Adviser

“It is always lovely to meet an expert who is so willing to share their passion with others, and who is ready and eager to answer questions”.
Conservation of pelmets in the studio
As an accredited textile conservator, I offer hands-on practical conservation of all textiles, including woven tapestries, hangings, furnishing textiles, embroideries and ecclesiastical textiles.
Textile conservation is a very rewarding process. Each project is unique and I am passionate about the textiles in my care. The transformation from ‘before’ to ‘after’ treatment is a hugely satisfying journey. I value the textile in context - ‘its story’, offering you sound advice, attention to detail, quality and always striving to offer that bit more.
During wet cleaning
Specialist packing for storage
Tapestry mounted on frame
I am a former National Specialist, Textile Adviser for the National Trust and have been an approved supplier for over 20 years.
My work includes advice & consultation, condition surveys, studio and onsite treatments, specifications, overseeing projects, providing training sessions and leading volunteer projects. Work is regularly carried out for charitable organisations, museums, churches, galleries, collectors and private individuals. The studio is listed on the ICON Register of quality conservators.
Samplers during treatment
Surface cleaning tapestry
Detail of tapestry after conservation
I offer a personal service and welcome all work, whatever the size or value, from a humble sampler to the grandest tapestry and from the earliest historic textiles to hangings and installations by contemporary textile artists.
I maintain a flexible approach and enjoy the challenge of how to solve the problem. My aim is to be sensitive to the needs of the textile; to respect the wishes of the client; to take a pragmatic approach in order to work within budget constraints, and to undertake all projects with the same professional approach.
John Piper textile during treatment
Onsite during deinstallation
“The whole House team really appreciated Melanie’s advisory and training visit this year. We had lots of positive feedback from staff and volunteers following the training”.